Writer-On-Campus, Kara Lawler, Inspires Artistic Creative Writers

Erin Guydish Buchholz, PhD
Grier’s very own Kara Lawler paid a visit Creative Writing class recently. She was a perfect fit for the class as they shifted from poetry-based writings to creative nonfiction. With her experience in memoir, nonfiction, and developing ventures into children’s literature, Kara shared her wisdom with an attentive group.
Kara gave insights into beneficial writing practices, like writing at the same time every day. She also expanded on the process of working with an agent to achieve publication. Strategies for building a fan base and convincing publishers that a project is a useful investment. Perhaps most significantly, Kara talked about the vulnerable components of writing as well as the power that can come about from sharing those emotions. Marina commented that she was inspired by how Kara “kept on following her dream and never gave up on it.”
In addition to getting some behind-the-scenes details on authoring and publishing a book, Kara shared proofs of her illustrated child’s book slated to come out in June. Logan appreciated Kara’s discussion on how in the writing and publishing process “not everything will go step by step” and sometimes success is a rocky path. Students listened intently to the process of finding and collaborating with an illustrator. Kara was gracious enough to give a private reading of her new book to students who reflected on the attention to detail in this short story.
This particular class vastly enjoys combining text with illustrations, so this was especially intriguing to students. Campbell even commented on hoping to “create Manga in the future, but finding a Manga or Anime artist might be difficult.” While acknowledging some of the potential difficulties in this process, Kara pointed out that it might become easier as technological access has increased our ability to work across distance; For example, her illustrator is creating all the way from London. Kara also talked about ways that illustrators and authors collaborate as writers make requests and illustrators create a combined image.
Grier is lucky to have such an inspiring woman as part of our campus community. And we are even more grateful that she is so willing to share, engage, and assist our growing students.
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