International Day of the Girl at Grier

Grier celebrated International Day of the Girl on Tuesday, October 11th. Grier's Empowering Girls Globally (EGG) Club led the festivities. Recognizing the inequalities between boys and girls, the United Nations declared October 11th International Day of the Girl. The mission of the day is "to help galvanize worldwide enthusiasm for goals to better girls' lives, providing an opportunity for them to show leadership and reach their full potential."

To introduce Day of the Girl, EGG member Nora V. provided some examples of inequality for girls around the world. According to Nora's research, "As of right now, there are 17 million girls never expected to attend school, 31 million girls unable to attend primary school, and 34 million pre-teen girls out of school and women make up 2/3rds of illiterate people in our world."

For the celebration at Grier, members of EGG sold Day of the Girl stickers to fellow students, teachers, and staff for $3 each. Proceeds from the sale benefit the organization Girl Up, which is a charity that advocates for girls and financially supports UN programs that provide assistance girls living in places where it is especially difficult to be female.

Grier EGG members also encouraged students and teachers to write their own reason that they need Day of the Girl. Member Annie G. handed out papers and markers with enthusiasm. Students, faculty, and staff provided a variety of reasons for Day of the Girl and gender equality. Psychology teacher and Varsity Volleyball Coach Mr. Arron Ort even agreed to receive a pie-to-the-face if EGG members collected at least 200 responses. 

EGG club members did a wonderful job spreading awareness of Day of the Girl and the efforts of Girl Up to battle gender inequality globally.

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Grier School

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