Earlier this week, Dr. Nancy Burke took her AP Biology to a Level II Trauma Center. UPMC Altoona surgeons invited the students into the OR to observe a variety of surgeries and ask questions of the surgeons during the operations. Grier would like to thank UPMC Altoona staff and physicians who took excellent care of our students.
The surgeries observed by the students included:
Open heart surgery for atrial valve replacement with bypass
Neurosurgical craniotomy for tumor and a spinal laminectomy.
Laprascopic removal of gall bladder
Hiatal hernia repair
Intestinal debreeding after bowel perforation
And a knee replacement
Participating surgeons:
Dr Burke (neurosurgeon)
Dr. Anastasi (cardiac surgeon)
Dr. Newlin (general surgeon)
Dr. Darco (trauma surgeon)
Dr. Black (general surgeon)
Thanks again to UPMC Altoona for this fantastic opportunity.